Monday - Week 2

Hours Today - 4 and 20 mins 

Total - 28 hours and 45 mins


 I met Ellie today in the dining hall during E block to go over the essays that I graded. I had finished all except for one of the essays. We went over each grade to enter it into the grade book and made a few changes to some of them. Ellie told me that I needed to provide more feedback on the essays. I realized that marking incorrect grammar is easy for me because it is either right or wrong but giving feedback on content is harder. I felt like I didn’t have the right words for it so Ellie gave me some examples like writing “elaborate” or “confusing” on parts of the essays. I then had A block at the end of the day. Their essay was due then so I collected it and then we went to the projection room in the library. I led them and one other class that was there through a brainstorming exercise that Heidi had done for C block on Friday.  


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