Day 5

 Hours Today - 4 

Total Hours - 19 Hours and 55 mins

I had two classes today. A and C block both worked on their essays after they did the chapter 18 playlist slides. I had them go around and say what their goal was for the block to help guide them. I said we would go around at the end and say if we accomplished that goal or not but we didn’t end up stopping early. We’ll probably keep doing this throughout the capstone so I’ll have to start making sure we actually stop and say if we accomplished the goals. They might figure it out if they never have to say what they got done after class. I got to help a few students with minor edits and citations. I helped one student in C block and that was really fun. Kate Jones told me later that she said she had a great TA who helped her a lot. Hopefully they’ll all become more open to me reviewing their work as they work on the capstone. Later, I went to the theater to help get everyone ready for the show.  


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