Tuesday - Week 2



Hours Today - 5 and 15 minutes 

Hours Total - 34

I had both A and C block classes today. We went to the projection room that has the arts and crafts materials for their capstone project. Both classes felt pretty overwhelmed by the freedom and creativity of the art portion of the project. I walked around a lot and helped people come up with ideas. I struggled a little bit with wanting to help but also not wanting to directly give them an idea. Some people were especially struggling to come up with ideas and hadn’t done their outline so there wasn’t a lot I could do to help them. I added more feedback to C block’s essays and then started grading A block. I met with Ellie during F block outside of the wise for half an hour to go over the essays. We officially committed the grades for A block. We also changed some of the grades in the grade book that I changed when I was going over the essays again to add feedback. I rethought certain parts of the grade and also found some mistakes I didn’t catch before. I did more grading for C block later after dinner for about one hour and 45 minutes. 


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